Monday, March 2, 2009

An Open Floor Plan

I should start this post off with an apology.  It’s been well over a month since I have last posted.

Between work and the house, I don’t really have enough time to sleep much less do anything else.  None-the-less there are still expectations of some updates… So I promise, as projects progress, I will at a minimum, keep telling myself that I need to post updates.

------Begin update------

Well for better or worse, we have decided to significantly change the layout of the upper unit.

With this change comes an onslaught of remolding.

When all said and done we will have one less window, two less walls, a ton of cabinets, and a whole lot of counter space… Not to mention a living space that will be brought into the 21st century.


First Things First… Out with the old

Removing the Old Cabinets

Our hopes are to find a new home for these cabinets since they are brand new… So, if you, or anyone you know wants to buy a full set of brand new cabinets for dirt cheap, I got the perfect offer for you.





More updates to come very soon…  I promise 

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